The House is a global leader in its agile, institutional approach to the emergence of GenAI.
The US House of Representatives has emerged as one of the world’s leading legislative bodies in responsibly responding and adapting to the emergence of GenAI.

House Digital Service is upgrading the House’s digital infrastructure, enabling a more accessible, transparent, and user-friendly Congress.
An internal innovation hub, the House Digital Service (HDS) is able to directly engage with Members and staff to create specific technology solutions to high-impact problems.

The House is creating more modern tools to boost efficiency, effectiveness, and oversight.
When it comes to performing its oversight functions and processing thousands of documents to fully understand complicated policies and their implications, Congress has been woefully behind in utilizing tools to receive, organize, review and store information.

Members’ district offices now have minimum standards of technology to support staff’s service to constituents.
Districts offices are now equipped with better support services, including wi-fi enabled spaces.

The House provides a forum for new, innovative ideas via the Congressional Hackathon.
The Congressional Hackathon provides a sandbox for Congress, the public, the private sector, and civil society to foster greater technological innovation.

A dedicated Legislative branch working group is focused on improving transparency and accessibility of legislative data.
A bicameral task force aimed at strengthening Congressional data transparency and accessibility has been given more scope and responsibility.

The House Clerk developed and launched the Comparative Print Suite project to enhance transparency of changes made to the US Code.
The House has launched a legislative drafting tool that allows Members and staff to see how new legislative language would change the law.

Staff have better access to nonpartisan, fact-based science and technology expertise.
Congressional support agencies are better equipped to assist Congress with its science and technology-based policy needs.