Casework Resources
Give your team the tools they need to excel at casework.
Casework Navigator
Casework is a mission-critical component of Congressional service, building constituent trust and strengthening Congress’s Article One responsibility to provide oversight on Executive Branch agencies. The Casework Navigator program develops resources to support Congressional caseworkers, and explores the changing role of casework in legislative function. Through the Navigator program, Congressional staff can access regular webinars, workshops, resources, and research on the state of casework today, and the future of constituent service in a landscape of rapidly-evolving technology and expectations of government.
Casework Basics Manuals
Casework Basics Manuals guide teams through the fundamental decisions and processes required to run an outstanding constituent services operation. The manuals serve as a starting point for teams to develop their workflows and build institutional knowledge.
Definition & Rules
In its simplest form, casework is when Members of Congress and their staff work on behalf of constituents to resolve difficulties with federal agencies.
Structuring a Casework Operation
Designing a thoughtful team structure and standard operating procedures is crucial for supporting both constituents and caseworkers.
Casework Intake
A solid, welcoming intake process can make the rest of a case easier by building trust with the constituent.
Agency Correspondence
Building professional working relationships with agency liaison staff is critical to a casework team’s success.
Closing Cases
Closing a case is the last opportunity to make a good impression with the constituent.
Safeguarding Constituent Info
Members of Congress and casework teams have an important ethical obligation to handle constituent data responsibly.
Supporting Constituents in Overseas Crisis Situations
By better understanding what the US government typically does in emergency situations, casework teams can rapidly respond to urgent constituent inquiries.
Legislation & Oversight
An introduction to the legislative toolkit available to Congressional offices and tips for caseworkers to build relationships with legislative counterparts, and how casework expertise can contribute to a team’s legislative work.
Data-Driven Casework
Incorporating data into casework strategy can offer valuable insights for optimizing efforts, addressing emotional demands, and fostering collaboration among team members.
Journey Mapping to Analyze Your Casework
Analyzing the casework process from a constituent’s perspective can be a helpful tool for casework teams to evaluate their operations.
Casework Communications
A productive working relationship with the Member's communications team can help act as a force multiplier for a casework team’s efforts.
Closing a Casework Operation
When a Congressional seat becomes vacant, due to a Member leaving office or passing away, one of the most complex but important elements of a transition is handing off casework.
Redistricting Guide for Casework Teams
The redistricting process creates a complicated set of decisions and operations questions related to transferring open cases to constituents’ new representatives.
Congressional Office Safety Guide
As the “front door for Congress,” district staff have the challenge of designing and managing an office space where everyone—staff, constituents, interns, and visitors—can feel safe and welcome.
Health, Safety, and Workplace Rights Quick Guide
For Congressional staff, especially district staff, it can be difficult to understand the rules around your employment in Congress, and the support offices and institutions available.
Casework Basics Webinars
Specialized webinars tailored for Congressional caseworkers. Casework Navigator webinars aim to enrich caseworker knowledge by incorporating insights from other industries and parts of Congressional service, supporting existing teams while providing new ideas to help teams innovate to better serve constituents.
Inside the VA: A Former Congressional Liaison’s Perspective
Thursday, April 3 at 3 PM EDT
Casework teams rely on Congressional liaisons at Federal agencies to help solve problems for constituents — but working as a Congressional liaison comes with its own challenges.
Social Security with NOSSCR CEO David Camp
In this Casework Navigator webinar with National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives CEO David Camp, we talk about the basics of Social Security casework.
Agency Responsiveness to Congress
One of the hardest things about getting up to speed as a new caseworker is learning the different contacts and practices for each individual agency in responding to casework requests
Responsible AI Use for Casework
Recently-developed, Congress-approved generative AI tools can streamline Congressional casework processes, making them more efficient and accessible.
Proactive Casework Outreach
With recent changes to House Ethics rules allowing for more cohosted constituent service events, many casework teams are exploring creative strategies to reach constituents and spread the word about their services. But do these work?
Coordinating Casework with State and Local Offices
Finding productive ways to coordinate with your state and local counterparts is not only important for handing cases off between jurisdictions, but can also help both sides more efficiently balance casework and outreach.
Casework History: How Did We Get Here?
Direct constituent service has been part of Congressional responsibility since the nation’s founding, but casework has looked very different through the last two hundred years.
Administrative Burden: Diagnosing Casework Problems
“Administrative burden” describes the obstacles constituents face in accessing benefits that do not reflect their legal eligibility—it also happens to describe a significant proportion of reasons constituents seek casework help from their Members of Congress.
How Do We Fix This? Championing Implementation vs. Policy
Every government program starts with good intentions—it’s how they’re carried out that can make them fail in big ways or in small ways that add up.
Cumulative Impact: How Programs Work Together
One of the most challenging aspects of casework is when programs and benefits collide. For individuals, these interactions can be confusing; for the economy and government spending as a whole, they can have huge impacts.
Burnout and Care
Caseworkers' willingness to go above and beyond to help constituents in distress can easily cross over into burnout and compassion fatigue.
Storytelling for Caseworkers II: Telling Constituent Stories for Policy Impact
Told effectively, the stories constituents share with caseworkers can illustrate problems with existing federal programs or the need for new federal initiatives.
Storytelling for Caseworkers I: Listening for What's Important
Caseworkers bear witness to the stories of constituents experiencing the federal government. Told effectively, these stories can build support for policy change through legislation and oversight.
Bringing Interns and Fellows into your Casework Operation
In this session, we'll share starting points to integrate interns and fellows into casework tasks, and think strategically about how to use short-term staff to maximize your casework.
Legislation & Oversight for Caseworkers
This crash course will help caseworkers understand and be an asset to their teams' legislative work, from appropriations to NDAA.
Casework Communications
This training will cover using the Congressional communications toolkit to help teams reach constituents, set expectations for casework, coordinate effectively with DC, and build a reputation of professionalism.
Intro to Data for Caseworkers
In this overview session, learn how tracking casework data can be a tool to help your team improve your casework process.
Care & Keeping of Agency Relationships
The most effective tool caseworkers have at their disposal is a good relationship with an agency contact.
Appropriations for Caseworkers
Earmarks can be an effective tool for caseworkers to strengthen relationships with local programs and stakeholders.
The Year in Casework Ahead + AMA for New Offices
In this session, a veteran caseworker shared insights from her casework career and answered questions from new and returning offices.
Case Notes
Casework is an essential part of the democratic process, but remains relatively under the radar for scholars of Congress, legislative capacity, and modernization. The Case Notes blog is a place for casework nerds to share information and dive deep on topics related to casework, including a casework-focused newsletter, first-person reflections on the experience of casework, casework in other contexts, and more.
10 Steps to Set up Your Constituent Service Operation
A compilation of resources from our free Casework Navigator program to help Congressional offices set up their new casework operations.
Professional Development and Year-end Self-care for Caseworkers
Ideas for self-care and professional development for Congressional caseworkers, as well as advice from people who have jumped between casework and other fields.
Agency Changes Impacting Casework in 2025-2026
With the incoming Administration and leadership in both chambers signaling a willingness to undertake sweeping changes to the federal agencies, casework teams should prepare for significant increases in casework.
The Magnificent Mobile Office Hours
November 1, 2024
Insights for running a successful mobile office hours program, questions about disaster casework, and a recording of our webinar on agency management of casework. Plus, agency news and updates.
Anatomy of a Mobile Office Hours Program
A deep dive with the office of Senator Pete Ricketts [R, NE] on their mobile office hours program, including thoughts on managing the program, gathering data to support their decision-making, and evolving in response to feedback.
Two Possible Models for Disaster Casework Surge Capacity
Congressional staff face overwhelming workloads during disasters without additional support. Two solutions could reduce burnout, retain knowledge, and improve constituent services during crises.
Casework Wins in FY 2025 Appropriations Bill
While not yet passed and enacted, the FY 2025 Senate Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill contains several big wins for casework and caseworkers.
New Guidelines for Congressional Constituent Service Events
New guidance from the Committee on Ethics, Committee on House Administration, and Communications Standards Commission changes how Members of Congress can collaborate with community organizations on constituent service events.
Who Does Casework for Congress? An Unscientific Survey
In an informal study, we analyzed Congressional staff titles associated with constituent services. revealing diverse roles and challenges in organizing casework, revealing diverse roles and challenges in organizing casework.
Congress Must Address Constituent Service Vulnerabilities
Through constituent service, Members of Congress build public trust and create tangible improvements for constituents — but these interactions must be handled with great care, given the sensitive nature of information disclosed.
Unpacking the SSI/SSDI Hearing for Caseworkers
One of the most frustrating parts of casework is seeing the same cases come up over and over again. But the recent House Ways and Means Committee Subcommittee on Social Security focused on some of the most sticky, intractable problems of the SSI and SSDI programs.
Congress is Ready for Innovation
Congressional tech modernizers, innovators, and legislative nerds gathered for the 5th Congressional Hackathon. The event focused on ideas and works-in-progress for how tech can streamline Congressional operations and make Congress a safer, more efficient, and more enjoyable place to work.
Preparing for Casework in a Government Shutdown
Lapses in government funding have happened with enough regularity that it is good practice for Congressional offices to have a plan in place for navigating the challenges of continuing their own operations and serving constituent needs.
Casework in the International Context: Notes from Sunny Yerevan
Katherine Long, POPVOX Foundation’s Casework Programs Senior Fellow, was invited to participate as a delegate of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) Technical Assistance Consultancy with the National Assembly of Armenia as part of the the House Democracy Partnership.
Sharing Constituent Stories While Respecting Privacy
How can caseworkers elevate constituents’ stories and issues while respecting and protecting their privacy and confidentiality? This is a vital question for casework teams to consider in concert with their colleagues on the communications team.
Ensuring Caseworker Expertise is Considered in Discussions of How Agencies Will Use AI
How can the Federal Government effectively and responsibly leverage AI to improve Federal services and missions? This question touches on the work that caseworkers do every day at the front lines of how constituents interact with government and the issues or difficulties they experience.
Involving Interns and Fellows in Casework
Interns are invaluable for handling typical tasks like answering phones, opening mail, and staffing the front desk. But it can be hard to find appropriate tasks for interns in a casework program where interns can learn new skills and add value to your team without requiring undue amounts of supervision and training.
Casework: What We Do and Don't Know
For the true nerds interested in diving into casework studies (a political science specialization that we fervently hope will exist one day), we present an unsolicited wish list of questions we wish scholars would help answer on casework in a US context, and a short reading list of existing scholarship.
Canaries in the Coal Mine: Casework Lessons from the 2008 Crisis
New and experienced casework teams consistently bring up questions about handling the non-stop pace beginning in March of 2020 with the repatriation of American citizens at the start of the pandemic, and continuing through stimulus payments, pandemic relief, the Afghanistan withdrawal, and the current passport backlog crisis.
20 ModCom Recommendations to Strengthen Casework
One group that received unaccustomed attention from the Select Committee is Congressional caseworkers — those professional staff, mostly in district offices, who do some of the most direct, accountable work in Congress to solve constituent problems with the federal bureaucracy.
Newsletter Archives
The Casework Navigator newsletter includes tools and tips to level up your casework, as well as the latest casework news and agency updates.
Newsletter: No injunction can stop us from caring about casework
March 25, 2025
An upcoming webinar on Congressional liaison work, plus tons of casework news and agency updates.
Newsletter: Looking Back on Pandemic Casework
March 14, 2025
Acknowledging the 5-year anniversary of COVID-19 and reflecting on the incredible work of caseworkers to support constituents in that tough period. Plus, all the usual casework news and agency updates.
Newsletter: Keeping Track of Agency Changes
March 7, 2025
Recommendations for strengthening casework, a new format for our agency news roundup, and we unpack some of the question marks around what’s going on at CFPB.
Newsletter: Liaisons Leaving? Grants Questions?
February 25, 2025
A new resource for journalists covering Congressional casework. Plus, a ton of casework news and agency updates.
Newsletter: Managing the Permanent Casework Crisis
February 14, 2025
A recap of our Social Security casework webinar with National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives CEO David Camp. Plus, all the usual casework news and agency updates.
Newsletter: Staying Focused on What You Can Control
February 6, 2025
Join us for a webinar on Social Security casework next Wednesday at 1 PM with National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives CEO David Camp. Plus, tons of agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Where to start with a casework surge
January 28, 2025
For Congressional casework teams overwhelmed trying to respond to the new administration’s executive orders, here are some places to start.
Newsletter: Sorting through Executive Orders for casework
January 22, 2025
A roundup of relevant agency news for casework to help Congressional caseworkers keep track of agency policy updates that will directly impact caseloads — immediately or down the road.
Newsletter: We're So Back
January 6, 2025
The federal agency wait-and-see period is in full swing, but we’ve still got a roundup of agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Final Agency News Roundup of 2024
December 16, 2024
An opportunity for district Staff Assistants and an update on the American Ingenuity Award, plus agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Taking Care of Yourselves in 2025
December 4, 2024
Tips for professional development and selfcare, and some early caseload survey data, plus agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Preparing for Agency-specific Casework in 2025
November 20, 2024
Looking into the crystal ball to predict casework trends, plus agency news and updates
Newsletter: Preparing for the End of the Term
November 13, 2024
Resources for teams closing out casework operations or preparing year-end reports, as well as agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Hang In There, Friends!
October 16, 2024
Resources for teams handling hurricane relief and Lebanon, and an upcoming webinar on agency management of casework. Plus, agency news and updates.
Newsletter: It's the Agencies, Silly.
September 30, 2024
Join us for a webinar on agency management of casework. Plus, casework-related hearings and agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Agency Oversight Hearing Season
September 17, 2024
Will we finally see movement on WEP/GPO reform? Plus, an upcoming webinar, casework-related hearings, and agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Get Your Flowers, Caseworkers!
August 29, 2024
Navigating the relationship between casework and communications, and agency news and updates.
Newsletter: Marking the Anniversary of the Afghanistan Withdrawal
August 19, 2024
Marking the anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal, responsible AI tools for casework webinar, and agency news you can use.
Newsletter: Monster Agency News Week
July 31, 2024
Cyber defense training from R St and the American Governance Institute plus a ton of casework news and agency updates!
Newsletter: Summer Outreach Season
July 3, 2024
Webinars are back! Join us to talk about proactive outreach and working with state counterparts, plus casework news, agency updates, and more!
Newsletter: An Unscientific Survey of Caseworkers
June 13, 2024
Back-of-the-envelope answers to basic questions about casework, casework news, agency updates, and more!
Newsletter: New Guidance on Hosting Joint Events
April 30, 2024
Big news for Congressional caseworkers in a CHA markup. Plus, an invitation to our event on disaster relief programs and a roundup of agency-related news you may have missed.
Newsletter: Using Generative AI for Casework Good
April 19, 2024
AI tools for casework (including sample prompts) plus a roundup of news stories affecting casework operations.
Newsletter: Two BIG stories for Caseworkers
April 11, 2024
Instead of a roundup of a lot of small articles, we dive a little bit deeper into two big stories that have the potential to really impact casework in different ways, and one fun other project from our team where we’d love caseworker input.
Newsletter: It's Good News Week!
February 8, 2024
Upcoming event discussing the findings from American Ingenuity: Congressional Casework in the Afghanistan Withdrawal, casework news, and more!
Newsletter: Cheat Sheet for Fixing the IRS
January 25, 2024
Recording of Casework History webinar featuring Senate Associate Historian Daniel Holt, casework news, and and more!
Newsletter: Casework Hasn't Always Been This Way
January 10, 2024
Upcoming webinar with Senate Associate Historian Daniel Holt, casework news, and and more!
Newsletter: End of Year Checklist
December 7, 2023
A checklist to guide Congressional caseworkers through the end-of-year tasks that will let you and your team start 2024 with a clean slate and fresh ideas.
Newsletter: Administrative burden with Don Moynihan + link roundup
November 22, 2023
Join us for the last in our series of webinars on Unpacking the Causes of Casework: Administrative Burden with Georgetown’s Inaugural McCourt Chair of Public Policy, Professor Donald Moynihan. Plus, news you can use!
Newsletter: Spotlight on SSA
November 8, 2023
It’s been a busy week for the Social Security world, including a major hearing in the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on the growing backlog for disability benefits.
Newsletter: Steady in the Chaos
October 26, 2023
If your office is seeing an uptick in threats, we have a safety guide; if you’re handling Israel/Gaza casework, we have resources; if you’re thinking ahead to November, we have a guide to preparing for a government shutdown. All that and a few agency updates you may have missed.
Newsletter: Resources for Israel/Gaza Casework
October 17, 2023
No matter how many times casework teams handle crisis situations, they are uniquely difficult every time. This week's newsletter rounded up a few resources for handling casework abroad, serving constituent needs at home, and taking care of yourselves through a difficult period of casework.
Newsletter: Getting Ahead of a Shutdown
September 18, 2023
Depending on the nature of a shutdown, casework teams can expect a significant increase in inquiries from constituents facing delays from agencies operating on minimum capacity, and/or requests for assistance and information from federal employees furloughed.
Newsletter: Casework Champions, IRS Miscounts, and More!
August 25, 2023
It’s rare to see the staff get the credit they deserve—especially when it comes to casework. This week, we’re thrilled to congratulate the winners of the 2023 Democracy Awards, and as always, there’s a ton of agency news to cover.
Newsletter: Passport Season (Like High School) Never Ends
July 24, 2023
Agency and casework news, a call for participation in research on professional development opportunities for caseworkers, and an upcoming event with the Schwartz Center on caseworker burnout.
Newsletter: Burdens, Barriers, and Back Benefits
July 14, 2023
Service delivery is a hot topic in the federal government right now—and who better to weigh in than constituent services staff? This newsletter covers some agency developments, some coverage of casework from around the country, and then dive in a little deeper on efforts to modernize and streamline federal services.
Newsletter: You're the experts!
June 14, 2023
There’s no policy without implementation. This newsletter covered district office safety, what we're watching, agency news, upcoming events, additional resources, and more!
Newsletter: The Interns are Coming
May 24, 2023
Coming to DC for the CAO Fly-In Day? Don’t miss our event on modernizing government bureaucracy! Plus, a new blog post and an upcoming webinar focused on making use of interns and fellows to supplement your casework team’s capacity, other upcoming events, and more!
Newsletter: Safety
May 19, 2023
Following the attach on Congressman Connolly’s district office, this newsletter featured ways for caseworkers to share what’s on their mind, and some starting points to think about their team’s safety.
Research & Additional Resources
A compilation of other trainings, events, resources, publications, and appearances related to best practices for Congressional casework.
Casework for Journalists
For journalists, Congressional casework can provide story leads that shine a light on the work individual Members of Congress do in their communities, and on the local, human impact of federal policymaking. This guide is a quick reference for journalists covering casework stories, covering typical Congressional office procedures for casework, the history and legal background for casework, and questions to ask around specific pitches or stories.
Disaster Casework: Recommendations for Reform
Insights and recommendations for strengthening constituent services in disaster recovery, based on conversations with Congressional caseworkers and district staff.
AI Tools for Casework: A Guide for Congressional Staffers
Recently-developed — and Congress-approved — generative AI tools aren’t a magic bullet to fix casework, but they can go a long way toward leveling the playing field, making it easier for new staff to quickly get up to speed and experienced staff to more effectively use their time where it counts the most.
American Ingenuity: Congressional Casework in the Afghanistan Withdrawal
This report presents a narrative account of Congressional casework in the Afghanistan withdrawal, and points to ways that Congress can tap into its strengths to evolve in the 21st century and beyond.
Roadmap for Casework Data
POPVOX Foundation has issued guidance on the implementation of “Recommendation 172,” drawing upon the POPVOX Foundation team’s technical expertise, personal experience as caseworkers, and ongoing interactions with district staff through the Casework Navigator program.
Public Witness Testimony on Strengthening Congressional Casework to House Appropriations Legislative Branch Subcommittee for FY25
POPVOX Foundation Deputy Director Anne Meeker submitted testimony to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch for Fiscal Year 2025 in support of the subcommittee’s work to strengthen Congress’ ability to provide excellent constituent services.
Future Casework Virtual Summit
While Congress and the federal agencies in its oversight jurisdiction have changed drastically in the last fifty years, Congressional casework has remained stuck in place. POPVOX Foundation convened caseworkers, researchers, and Congressional advocates to a virtual forum on envisioning the future of casework.
Testimony to the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress
At this ModComm hearing on modernizing constituent services, witnesses, including POPVOX Foundation’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, focused on the need for better technology to streamline the constituent experience, how casework can be used to hold federal agencies accountable for customer service failures, and the importance of supporting the professional staff tasked with this responsibility.
O que é Casework? (Português)
Material que aplica o conceito de casework em perspectiva comparada, especialmente em países que têm o português como idioma oficial