Staff have better access to nonpartisan, fact-based science and technology expertise.

Why This Matters

Science and technology industries and the tools they use are rapidly changing. Over the last three years alone, policy staff have had to become experts on pandemic healthcare and vaccine development, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, 5G, GenAI, and more. To get smart on these topics quickly, staff need timely, fact-based, nonpartisan policy insights that they can trust. The GAO STAA team began supporting staff in this way after its launch in 2019.

How It Happened

GAO is a key support Legislative branch agency for Congress, assisting in data gathering and analysis to keep the Executive branch accountable. GAO’s strong network of experts across all industries, married with its strict commitment to nonpartisanship, set it up for success when it undertook the creation and launch of STAA in 2019. By listening to and understanding the needs of the modern House Member and staff, the GAO’s STAA showcased how an agency could adapt to the needs of a modern Congress tackling the world’s most challenging issues. ModCom recognized STAA’s value and made recommendation #141. Today, STAA, its Innovation Lab, and all of the other offices under GAO continue to provide vital information to Members of Congress elevating our nation’s policy discussions.

The Impact

In the years since its creation, the STAA — and GAO as a whole — continues to be a trusted source for Congressional staff. In addition to providing timely data and technology assessments, the STAA announced the creation of its Innovation Lab, a forward-looking hub for experimentation and policy forecasting. To date, the STAA has published over 50 foresight-oriented assessments and explainers to aid Congressional staff in their understanding of complex science and technology issues.

Next Steps

Congress should ensure that GAO’s STAA has the proper resources and personnel it needs to provide Congress with the foresight, oversight, and insight on the most pressing science and technology issues of our time.

Return to Future-Proofing Congress


ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act

AOC = Architect of the Capitol

CHA = Committee on House Administration

CAO = House Chief Administrative Officer

CDTF = Congressional Data Task Force

COLA = Cost-of-Living Adjustment

CPF = Community Project Funding

CR = Continuing Resolution

GAO = Government Accountability Office

GAO STAA = The Government Accountability Office’s Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team

GenAI = Generative Artificial Intelligence

HIRO = House Intern Resource Office

HDS = House Digital Service

LIS = Legislative Information Service

LLM = Large Language Model

MIA = Modernization Initiatives Account

ModCom = The House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

ModSub = Subcommittee on Modernization (ModSub) within the Committee on House Administration

MOU = Memorandum of Understanding

NMO = New Member Orientation

OCWR = Office of Congressional Workplace Rights


The House Clerk developed and launched the Comparative Print Suite project to enhance transparency of changes made to the US Code.