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Agency Responsiveness to Congress


One of the hardest things about getting up to speed as a new caseworker is learning the different contacts and practices for each individual agency in responding to casework requests. The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) recently commissioned a study examining agency-wide responsiveness to constituent service inquiries, with an eye to streamlining the process for both agencies and Congressional offices.

In this webinar, Boston University law professor Sean Kealy, author of the ACUS report, shares some of his research and findings, as well as his recommendations to agencies on improving responsiveness to Congressional offices.


Sean J. Kealy is a Clinical Associate Professor of Law at the Boston University School of Law. Sean graduated from Temple Law School in 1994. He was an assistant attorney general from 1995-1999 where he worked on victim compensation claims and prosecuted insurance fraud. From 1999-2007 he worked as legal advisor to State Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and counsel to the General Court's Joint Committee on Criminal Justice and the Joint Committee on Revenue. While working for the Legislature, Professor Kealy had the opportunity to work on many notable issues such as: the revised sex offender registry, the creation of buffer zones around reproductive health clinics, drunk driving legislation, modernizing corporate tax laws, creating new tax credits to encourage economic development, legalizing and encouraging stem cell research, and ensuring equal marriage rights.

Professor Kealy has taught criminal justice at Massachusetts Bay Community College and Suffolk University and has written law review articles on a variety of topics dealing with statutory changes to protect victim's rights, improve the definition of murder and revise the Federal Posse Comitatus Act. He also co-edits a bi-monthly newsletter on recent changes to the criminal law that is distributed to prosecutors, members of law enforcement, defense attorneys and academics.


Anne Meeker is Deputy Director of POPVOX Foundation, and a former House caseworker. She was a founding member of the POPVOX Foundation team as Director of Special Initiatives. She previously served as Director of Constituent Services for Congressman Seth Moulton, where she worked to use data and technology to deliver smarter casework services to residents of the MA06. Anne holds a bachelor's degree in Anthropology from the University of Oxford (St. Hugh's College), and an MSc in History from the London School of Economics. She is also a proud Clevelander, and will take any opportunity to talk up the Rust Belt.

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