Recommendations for a more constituent-friendly Congress
Earlier this month, I had the top-of-the-bucket-list chance to testify at a House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress on constituent services, and building a more customer-friendly Congress (video and transcript available here). As a former caseworker, it meant so much to be asked to come to DC to talk about casework, and share a starting-point vision for how Congress can capture the potential inherent in casework, and the expertise and talents of caseworkers across the country. The hearing covered so much ground, and it still only managed to scratch the surface of what’s possible and needed to push casework into the 21st century.

POPVOX Foundation submission on OMB’s Equity RFI
The POPVOX Foundation is honored to submit this response to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Request for Information (“the Equity RFI”) on “Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government.”

The OMB Equity RFI: YES, you should submit comments!
The Office of Management and Budget, the main administrative agency for the federal government, issued a “Request for Information” — an (RFI), asking the public to provide input on “Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through Government.”
This is an unprecedented opportunity for researchers, advocates, public servants, community leaders, citizens, and more to raise their ideas and work to the highest levels of government, and set the agenda for reshaping the federal government for equity for all.