Congressional staff can now partake in professional certification programs.

Why This Matters

Many Congressional staff pursue careers on the Hill following the completion of their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. However, once employed by the House, there traditionally have been limited opportunities for staff to pursue additional professional development. ModCom explored how staff and other House institutional workers would benefit from the ability to participate in professional certification programs and found that this offering would put the House on par with similar benefits available to public servants in the Executive branch and in the private sector, leading to recommendation #102 to allow offices to pay for certain professional development opportunities for staff that include a certification.

How It Happened

In the 117th Congress, the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress continued to focus on updating and aligning staff benefits as a means to boost retention. To ensure these benefits remained current and competitive, the Committee recommended the establishment of a “Task Force on the House Workforce” (recommendation #99). This standing body would be charged with making ongoing policy recommendations to regularly review and update staff compensation and benefits.

Additionally, based on feedback from House employees, the Committee prioritized amending the Members' Congressional Handbook to allow for the reimbursement of professional development costs for staff (recommendation #102). This change would support Congressional aides in pursuing certifications and training that directly benefit their office and the work of Congress. By empowering staff to continually build their skills and expertise, these benefit enhancements were seen as crucial to attracting top talent and keeping experienced employees within the Legislative branch.

As a result, CHA updated the Members’ Congressional Handbook to further expand the definition of reimbursable educational expenses, including on the list “professional training related to the official and representational duties to the district.”

The Impact

By allowing employees to participate in professional development programs, including those that provide a certification, the House is in a stronger position to provide similar opportunities that have routinely been made available to public servants in the Executive branch and in the private sector. Not only does the opportunity enhance employee development and retention, it ensures that House staff are able to take advantage of cutting-edge training and stay educated to best support their Member, district, and constituents.

Next Steps

The House should ensure that this policy stays implemented and certifications are continued to be offered, evaluated, and expanded to match the changing workflow dynamics of the Hill.

Return to Future-Proofing Congress


ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act

AOC = Architect of the Capitol

CHA = Committee on House Administration

CAO = House Chief Administrative Officer

CDTF = Congressional Data Task Force

COLA = Cost-of-Living Adjustment

CPF = Community Project Funding

CR = Continuing Resolution

GAO = Government Accountability Office

GAO STAA = The Government Accountability Office’s Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team

GenAI = Generative Artificial Intelligence

HIRO = House Intern Resource Office

HDS = House Digital Service

LIS = Legislative Information Service

LLM = Large Language Model

MIA = Modernization Initiatives Account

ModCom = The House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

ModSub = Subcommittee on Modernization (ModSub) within the Committee on House Administration

MOU = Memorandum of Understanding

NMO = New Member Orientation

OCWR = Office of Congressional Workplace Rights


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