Congressional staff and visitors have access to better campus services.

Why This Matters

Congress is anything but a nine-to-five job, and in DC, Members and staff are routinely kept into the evening for late-night votes. Although this is a necessary and predictable part of working in today’s House, on-campus resources — including all cafeteria and other food options — stopped service after lunch, leaving Members and staff with the only option of leaving campus for dinner. In addition to being inconvenient, leaving campus to get food posed security concerns and required Members and staff to leave their desks during legislative hours with a need to rush back in time for votes.

Beyond the effects on Members and their legislative staff, constituents visiting the Capitol — particularly during recess weeks — found it challenging to navigate what food options were available due to many closing early or not being open for business at all.

Additionally, the many workers on the graveyard shift who tend to the Capitol campus throughout the evenings — including the US Capitol Police, janitorial staff, and Architect of the Capitol staff — were left without food options.

Recognizing that the institution could do more to support Members, constituents, and the Capitol staff community, campus food vending hours were standardized at the start of the 118th Congress, and selected campus food vendors began offering evening hours beginning in 2023.

How It Happened

After receiving feedback from Members and staff regarding the desire to have food available on campus for standardized times during regular business hours and for predicted late-night votes, CHA and CAO partnered to revisit dining contracts across the House. The updated contracts ensured food is available when the House is in session, and standardized hours of operation across campus.

The Impact

Now food is available for purchase during evenings with vote series. In addition, hours across campus dining and cafe locations have been standardized to make options more predictable both in and out of session. This is just one more example of how the House is modernizing by listening to Members and staff, and better serving all who visit the Capitol campus.

Return to Future-Proofing Congress


ADA = Americans with Disabilities Act

AOC = Architect of the Capitol

CHA = Committee on House Administration

CAO = House Chief Administrative Officer

CDTF = Congressional Data Task Force

COLA = Cost-of-Living Adjustment

CPF = Community Project Funding

CR = Continuing Resolution

GAO = Government Accountability Office

GAO STAA = The Government Accountability Office’s Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team

GenAI = Generative Artificial Intelligence

HIRO = House Intern Resource Office

HDS = House Digital Service

LIS = Legislative Information Service

LLM = Large Language Model

MIA = Modernization Initiatives Account

ModCom = The House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

ModSub = Subcommittee on Modernization (ModSub) within the Committee on House Administration

MOU = Memorandum of Understanding

NMO = New Member Orientation

OCWR = Office of Congressional Workplace Rights


The Capitol complex is more accessible with ADA transit zones.


Visiting the Capitol has become more inviting.