Congress 2076
What reforms need to be made for Congress to be responsive, effective, and representative in 2076?
About Congress 2076
Congress 2076 is a forward-looking initiative designed to reimagine the United States Congress on the occasion of its 300th anniversary in 2076. This project invites experts from various fields, including government, technology, and academia, to contribute their visions for a responsive, effective, and representative legislative body.
This Congress-specific effort hosted by POPVOX Foundation builds on the work of Democracy 2076 and findings from the Congress 2076 event will be shared at the June 2024 Democracy2076 convening.
The Congress 2076 initiative aims to produce a comprehensive report, summarizing proposed innovations and collected insights for the future of the US Congress. This report will serve as a roadmap for ongoing discussions and actions towards a more effective and representative legislative body in the 21st century and beyond.
Call for Ideas
Submission deadline was April 22, 2024.
The purpose of Congress 2076 is twofold: to envision the transformative possibilities for a future Congress that is responsive, effective, and truly representative, and to use these long-term visions to illuminate our path forward in the near term. Your participation offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a seminal report that will not only serve as a reference for future thinkers and policymakers but might also open new ways of thinking about your current work.
We recognize the premium on your time and expertise. Thus, we're inviting submissions that are succinct yet powerful. Whether through a thought-provoking blog post, a visually engaging slide deck, or any format that best conveys your idea, we encourage you to share your vision in a way that's both compelling and concise, with a word limit of 2500 for written content.
Selections will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Originality and Innovation
Relevance and Application
Feasibility and Practicality
Potential for Impact
Clarity and Coherence
Relevance across scenarios
Please feel free to refer to the Democracy 2076 scenarios and projections in your submission. You are welcome (and even encouraged!) to submit ideas that you think will be critical in some but not all scenarios.
Selected ideas will be included in the final report, and selected authors will be invited to participate in the June Democracy 2076 convening. Submission deadline is April 22, 2024.
Expert Survey
Submission deadline was April 22, 2024.
Congress 2076 is a forward-looking initiative designed to reimagine the United States Congress on the occasion of its 300th anniversary in 2076.
As a part of this project, we are inviting experts from various fields — including government, technology, and academia — to contribute their visions for a modernized, effective, and future-ready legislative body.
While we ask that you do include your identifying information, we will not quote you in the final report unless you give permission. Submission deadline is April 22, 2024.
Additional Resources