Salute to a ModCom Hero

It is with heavy hearts that we wish Rep. Derek Kilmer [D, WA] the very best for his next chapter.

As we reflect on Rep. Kilmer's decision not to seek re-election, we acknowledge and honor the significant impact of his 11-year service in the House — his commitment to modernizing Congress and to bridging the partisan divide.

Rep. Kilmer's leadership as chair of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress (“ModCom”) was marked by a pioneering spirit and a dedication to bipartisan cooperation. In 2019, he and his counterpart, Vice Chair Tom Graves [R, GA], committed to doing things differently. They brought committee members to a bipartisan retreat to set goals and get to know each other. They broke new ground by sharing staff across party lines within the committee. They even set a new standard for committee seating — alternating between Democrats and Republicans and sometimes conducting *actual* roundtables (a concept so novel that it required special room configurations to accommodate).

The tangible outcomes of this bipartisan and innovative approach extended through the 117th Congress in partnership with then-Vice Chair William Timmons [R, SC] and later with the creation of the Modernization Subcommittee in House Administration, chaired by Rep. Stephanie Bice [R, OK]. The ModCom produced 222 bipartisan recommendations aimed at improving the House's operations — from including staff support, to technological advancements, process improvements, and physical upgrades. Implementation of these recommendations continues, as does the spirit of bipartisan cooperation and proactive, continuous learning and improvement in the House of Representatives.

Rep. Derek Kilmer's tenure stands as a powerful example of what can be achieved through collaborative innovation in governance. As he transitions from his role in Congress, those of us dedicated to supporting government modernization wish Rep. Kilmer, the Kilmer family, and the wonderful Kilmer staff the very best for the next chapter and we sincerely thank you for your service.

Marci Harris
and the POPVOX Foundation team


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