POPVOX Foundation & First Branch Intern Project host “Internapalooza” for the 118th Congress
Orientation prepares Congressional interns for their internships and future careers
WASHINGTON, DC — On January 18, 2024, POPVOX Foundation and the organizations of the First Branch Intern Project hosted the eighth “Internapalooza” orientation and welcome event for the spring class of Congressional interns. More than 400 current House and Senate interns registered to attend sessions that involved networking with peers and mentors and learning how to make the most of their internship.
The event featured welcome remarks from the Director of Member Services at the Committee on House Administration, Jordan Wilson, and the Director of HR for the House Chief Administrative Officer, John Salamone, as well as keynote remarks from Saat Alety of Federal Hall Policy Advisors, covering his famous “8 tips in 8 minutes to crush your internship.”
In the Networking and Career panel, speakers focused on helping interns navigate their internships and make the most of the experience, whether their careers take them on or off the Hill. Speakers on the Networking and Career Planning panel included:
Nicole Tisdale, Advocacy Blueprints
Tom Manatos, Tom Manatos Jobs, Block
Kelle Strickland, Congressional Institute
In addition to the Networking and Career Panel, interns also had the opportunity to hear tips for handling one of the most stressful parts of a Congressional internship — taking constituent phone calls. Speakers from the CAO’s coach program, Employee Assistance Program, and US Capitol Police shared advice on talking to constituents and handling stressful or threatening calls
Lastly, interns were able to jump in and start building their network of peers at the event’s reception and resource fair. Participating organizations included:
House Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Capitol Hill Intern Association (CHIA)
US Senate EAP and Wellbeing
Women’s Congressional Staff Association
United States Capitol Historical Society
Senate Sergeant at Arms
Congressional Korean American Staff Association
Stennis Center for Public Service
LGBT Congressional Staff Association
Middle Eastern North African Staff Association
House Office of the Whistleblower Ombuds
CAO, House Intern Resource Office
More information on attending interns, including demographics of attending interns and their desired goals, is available here.
Previous interns that have intended Internapalooza have said:
“Very useful information to apply to your own internship experience, especially if you don’t have much experience in a political space, as an intern, or just in general. Information from Internapalooza can be used as transferable info across different platforms, internships, etc.”
“Gave me more confidence in myself that I do belong in the rooms I am in.”
About Internapalooza
Internapalooza is a free event to help incoming interns start their semester off right with a level playing field and new connections. The event provides interns with basic information about the legislative process and Capitol Hill, networking opportunities, and tips on how to be a successful intern. It is hosted by the POPVOX Foundation and the organizations of the First Branch Intern Project, and was inspired by the work of the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress to draw attention to the importance of internships and other early-career pathways into Congressional service.
Past Internapalooza session videos are posted at: internproject.org/past-session-videos
About POPVOX Foundation
POPVOX Foundation works to inform and empower people and make government work better for everyone. This includes reimagining the concept of civic infrastructure, and providing new ways for government to share information and engage the public, with an emphasis on diverse participation and rebuilding public trust.
About the First Branch Intern Project
The First Branch Intern Project began as the “Virtual Intern Project” in April 2020, when several organizations began meeting regularly to discuss supporting Capitol Hill interns during the pandemic. The project has evolved into an ongoing collaboration to provide resources and networking opportunities for Congressional interns and to promote diversity among those applying for and obtaining Congressional internships.