Recommendations to the 119th Congress on Creating a Strong, Responsive Legislative Branch

With the start of a new Congress comes a renewed sense of opportunity and the continued potential for the Legislative branch to invest in its resources, boost functionality, and lay the groundwork for future contributions that meet the needs of its constituents nationwide.

Since 2019, Members, Congressional staff, and Legislative branch agencies have implemented many meaningful upgrades to outdated processes — streamlining capabilities and boosting the chamber’s effectiveness to adapt Congress to the 21st century. Opportunities remain to ensure that Congress is equipped to address the “pacing problem” — the gap between technological and societal advancements and the laws and regulations governing them.

Ahead of the 119th Congress, POPVOX Foundation’s 119th Transition Memo provides recommendations to address these gaps and encourages the House to continue to build on its previous investments in creating a strong, responsive Legislative branch.

The recommendations focus on five main areas:

  1. Address the Pacing Problem

  2. Invest in the Congressional Workforce

  3. Strengthen Constituent Services

  4. Identify Opportunities for Bipartisanship and Collaboration

  5. Strengthen House Operations for Future Congress

If you are interested in learning more about these recommendations or would like to request a briefing, please contact us.


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