Sample AI Prompts
A resource to help Congressional staffers integrate GenAI into their workflows
Disclaimer: The House of Representatives’ Chief Administrative Officer announced an official Artificial Intelligence (AI) policy in September of 2024. The policy can be accessed by Congressional staff behind the institution’s firewall on HouseNet. The below resource has not been updated in response to the policy.
Leveraging AI
This guide is a collaboration between the Foundation for American Innovation and POPVOX Foundation. Questions? Contact us at luke@thefai.org or aubrey@popvox.org
Artificial Intelligence is being rapidly adopted throughout the public and private sectors. Between the popularity of Generative AI (ChatGPT has over 180.5 million users) and the ever-expanding market of AI-enabled tools, a paradigm shift is underway and Congress is not exempt.
From summarizing and drafting documents to building novel automations, AI has the potential to transform congressional workflows, increasing the capacity of members’ offices to do their work and represent their constituents. With the average age of congressional staff hovering around 31 years old, the House and Senate are host to many early adopters of this new technology. Internal scans of House network traffic suggest that up to a quarter of the chamber’s staff are already using some form of GenAI regularly. CHA, GAO, CAO, GPO, and numerous personal offices are thus implementing AI into their modernization initiatives.
Yet adoption is being held back by a lack of familiarity with the available tools and uncertainty about what rules or guidelines are in place around their use. As chiefs of staff, staff directors, and office managers begin the necessary task of helping their staff navigate smart, safe adoption of these new tools, below are sample prompts to help Congressional staff integrate GenAI into their workflows.
A few foundational rules should always be followed:
Be familiar with the institution's latest guidance and the guidance set by your office.
Never upload or include personal or non-public information in your prompt. That which goes into the system becomes part of the system.
Treat any output as if an intern produced it. Always double check the AI’s work.
If the AI doesn’t give you what you want, refine and reframe the question and ask again. Chatbots can iterate, so if you tell it what you don’t like or suggest a different approach, it will try to improve.
Sample Prompts
Additional Resources